Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Powerful weekend of family ministry and community outreach in GA

This weekend we had the privilege of ministering at Redemption Worship Center in Summerville, GA. This was an awesome family event and community outreach. We saw 19 people including children, teens and several adults come forward to be born again and make Jesus lord of their lives. Several unchurched families from the community surrounding the church came to the event and gave their lives to Jesus including a mother and her children. This is what family ministry is all about! Our message was simple enough for children to understand but relevant to the adults that attended also. Many adults left saying how much they were blessed by the ministry of the Jubilee Gang and that they were ministered to as well as their children and grandchildren. Multi generational ministry is what Jubilee Gang Family Events is all about! Reaching multiple generations with the message of the Gospel. 

Below are several Pictures from Our event in Summerville, GA this weekend...

It was awesome to see entire families worship together, learn together,
 have fun together, and experience God together
in Summerville, GA this weekend.

Testimonies from The Road...

-Thank you for coming to Redemption Worship Center this morning and tonight!!! Your ministry blessed me so much!!!
I do not have any children, but I thank God for all the children at RWC and all the visitors that came today. Praise God for all the people who made Jesus their LORD and Savior!!!
Hallelu-YAH!!! Thank you Jesus!
Sumerville, GA

-Jerry, Candy and Wild Thing made such a connection with our people! We witnessed salvation as well as the gospel explained easily and effectively. We will surely have them back again and again.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness to the Lord. Blessings.

Pastor David Reeves
Pastor at Redemption Worship Center Summerville, GA

Monday, March 13, 2017

Taking the spiritual temperature of your life and ministry

Are you a thermostat or a thermometer?
A thermometer reacts to the temperature of the room.
A thermostat sets the temperature in a room.

Do you set the spiritual climate in your class or do the children?

We as Christian leaders need to set the spiritual temperature for our classrooms whether we are a Sunday school teacher, Children’s Pastor, or volunteer children’s worker. It is important that when we enter a classroom that we are spiritually prepared to set the spiritual climate for the class. If not the child with the strongest personality will set that climate.

If a child experienced chaos on the way to the service they will bring chaos to the service. If everyone was up late the night before Sunday morning service and tired, the class will be unresponsive to the lesson.

However, if we enter the room spiritually charged and on fire about our lesson the excitement will spread. If we believe in what we are teaching and show excitement about the subject others will be excited also. True faith is contagious. When someone is so excited about what they believe that they speak about it in confidence with passion in their voice others will believe also. If we are not sure about what we are teaching and are reading it out of our lesson planner, the children will be board and not buy into what we are offering them. Confidence comes through knowing the material inside out. You need to know it so well you can present it without reading it.
I have notes every time I speak publicly, however notes are to glance at to keep me on tract so, I arrive at the planned destination. I can expound upon each point of my notes without reading them line for line, however my notes make sure I do not drift off course during my program. I can expound upon each point because the subject is in my heart. It is not something I am not sure about or do not know a lot about.

If we are not confident on our lesson it will show in our body language, tone of our voice, and all around presentation. We cannot give something we do not have. If it is not in our heart then we are just regurgitating an old cold lesson out of a book that really means nothing to us.

The reason young adults are leaving our churches by the droves when they are old enough to make the decision for themselves is that all they have heard their entire time growing up in church is old, cold, regurgitated material that is not relative. It does not apply to them. We have offered exciting programs with all the latest methods but have forgotten the message.

Teachers must be passionate about their faith and what they are teaching. Like I said before true faith is contagious. It spreads like a wild fire. When we hear someone with true heartfelt convictions, we want what they have. If we are around it long enough we will start to crave it. And when you crave something bad enough you do whatever it takes to get it.

Let’s turn up the spiritual temperature in our classrooms.

Our children deserve it.

Jerry Moyer
The Jubilee Gang


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Children's Ministry or Entertainment?

Over the years we have seen new ideas incorporated into children’s ministry such as; games, multi media, and technology at the expense of watering down the gospel message.

We use most of these methods during our Jubilee Gang events. However, the purpose of our events are not to just entertain and wow the children, but to lay a firm foundation from the word of God that they can build upon to strengthen their faith in Jesus.

Our Goal as the Jubilee Gang is to see as many men, woman, boys, and girls make a legitimate decision to make Jesus Lord of their lives and be born again. To many time we have seen people herded to the altar to be saved without fully understanding what is happening to them.

True faith comes from the word of God, The Bible. Without teaching the bible in a way that people can understand they will not have faith to receive what is being offered to them.

If we play games for an hour, wow our audiences with multiple special effects and shout a few scriptures, then how do we expect them to be able to make a legitimate decision to follow Jesus?

We encourage people to use all these methods to teach, but the message cannot get lost in the methods. The word of God needs to always come first in everything we do and all these methods are used to reinforce the message.

By all means use all the new methods the world has to offer to make your lessons the more exciting. Make your Children’s Church the most exciting, spectacular, experience possible for children but, don’t replace sound biblical teaching and anointing with all fun and games. Ask yourself, do I want to have a service or a circus?

We must stay relevant to reach this generation. The message never changes, but the method must change. Games, multi media, lighting effects, and video are all very effective ways to get the message across. But if they replace sound biblical teaching and anointing we will produce a generation of fluffy Christians with no spiritual backbone.

Jerry Moyer
Jubilee Gang Ministries

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Its Harvest Time!!!!!

John 4:35
Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!

As we drove through Louisiana on the way home from our event in  the fall a few years ago, we drove past many cotton fields. The cotton was truly white and ready for harvest. Some of the fields were being harvested as we passed them.

We saw miles and miles of white fields. It reminded me of John 4:35.
There are 6.7 billion people in the world today. The majority have not heard the good news of the Gospel. And if they have it was misrepresented to them as dead religion or was not relevant to their lives. It’s our job to take the good news to the world. They will not evangelize themselves.

If the world could only here the good news of the gospel that God is not mad at the them. He is not holding their sins against them because of what Jesus did on the cross. All they need to do is Make Jesus LORD of there Life, turn from their sin, and receive the gift of salvation and be born again. It’s a free gift. That’s the Good news.

2 Cor 5:18-21 Says very clearly what the message is and who is to take it to the world.

2 Cor 5:18-21 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Most unsaved people will not come to church.

That’s why we must take it to where they are!

We are Gods ambassadors!

We represent him to the people of the planet earth!

Rom 10:13-15
13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

Below are a few statistics to think about.

• Of the 6.7 billion people on the earth today, 34% are under the age of 14.
• 40 million children in the United States have never been to church.
• 2 out of 3 children in the United States do not know JESUS.
• 86% of all people who receive Jesus make that decision before age 15.
• The probability of someone being born again in America is:
• 35% between ages 5 – 12.
• 4% between 13 – 18
• and 6% for those 19 and older.
• Only 10% of all the money put into the gospel is directed to the ministry of children.

Seven years old is the age a person is most receptive to the Gospel.

After a person turns 13 they are less likely to make a decision for Christ.

After seeing this why do 99 percent of evangelists go after adults or teens? I can count on 2 hands the children’s evangelist out there that is making an impact on this generation. A lot of children’s ministries have gone to entertainment based instead of ministry based.

That’s why we try and establish relationships with other children’s evangelists that are making a difference. There are too many children not born again and not enough children’s evangelist to be in any kind of competition.

We have a whole generation of children that have never been to church. And if they have, they thought it was dead religion and didn’t want anything to do with it.

Below are the percentages of people in America during different era’s that believed the basic bible truths and were born again.

• 65% WW II generation

• 35% baby boomers
• 16% Gen X

If nothing changes in America when this generation of children become adults only 4% will be born again bible believing Christians. to be honest this stat is over 10 years old and we are almost there. If we think it is crazy in america now, 4 % is like parts of Europe. It can get a lot worse. and it surly looks like we are heading that direction. 

Church its time to wake up and take back this generation!

The fields are truly white and ready for harvest!
Matt 9:37-38

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Will you go?

Jerry Moyer
The Jubilee Gang